Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Depression or Sadness?

Did you read Keshi's post about depression and suicide?
Here is a chance to learn about it from the professional point of view.

So many of us very randomly describe ourselves as "depressed", describe someone as "having depression", or even ignore the fact that we could be clinical depressed! How can we find out if we are exaggerating or minimizing our own or a loved one's condition?

Here is the criteria that we use to assess for the diagnosis of depression in someone.

See if you meet the criteria, and if you don't you are NOT depressed. Maybe sad, maybe trying to adjust to a life shift, maybe overwhelmed but NOT depressed.

Do you:

Have five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure?

(1) depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful).

(2) markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated by either subjective account or observation made by others)

(3) significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day.

(4) insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day

(5) psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down)

(6) fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day

(7) feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick)

(8) diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others)

(9) recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide

B. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a Mixed Episode.


C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.


D. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism).


E. The symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement, i.e., after the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterized by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation.


Depression is very common. It can happen to all of us. Caste, age, sex, religion, skin color, nationality, skin color, no bar!!

Depression is not incurable. It is one of the easiest to cure if you get the required help at the right time. NO! You do not have to be on antidepressants, if that bothers you. NO! You do not have to be in psychotherapy all your life. Some cases are resolved in less than 4 sessions! And YES! You can make some life changes to prevent a relapse!

Did you know that women are more prone to depression than men?Did you know that children and adolescents also suffer from depression? Did you know that many people can hide these symptoms very well? Did you know that depressed people often feel suicidal but have no energy to execute the plan?

Depression is nothing to be ashamed of. We all live life. We all encounter horrors. Deaths, job losses, breakups, health issues, loneliness, low self-esteem, yada yada yada! We all know its not easy. Sometimes, when everything happens all at once, we are overwhelmed. Our body gets into a panic mode. And presto!! Your brain begins to release all those not so nice neurotransmitters that cannot help but make you feel sad for long periods!

Like Keshi, I will open this post up for anonymous comments if you have any questions for me. I will be glad to help. I want us all to be happy, whether in the real world or blogosphere. This is a great place to start. And I hope you make full use of it!

Have a nice day!!


Keshi said...

ty Sol u really r reaching out to so many ppl and educating them too. U do a great job on a daily basis. I admire ya.

This post for very informative. I learnt alot abt depression from a medical point of view, after Dan died. Thats when I opened my eyes to Depression. I didnt know much abt it before and I didnt hv the need to know.

Dan was a happy, edcuated, smart, funny, extremely fun-loving bloke. One day he jumped in front of a speeding train.

Later we found out that he was depressed due to a work issue. Something as simple as that drove him to death. That scared me. And to date I feel guilty that I cudnt help.

I think as much as depressed ppl need help, ppl who r left behind after a Suicide need counseling too. I never got that. I feel so sad that i cudnt stop Dan from dying. But he never showed any of those symptoms...he hid them very well.


broca's area said...

really informative...:))

Keshi said...

**this post WAS very informative

Vishesh said...

hmm....i am depressingly confused...but what i can tell is,i was once upon a time depressed and had most of the stuff you mentioned(and even i have the suicidal tendency)...but i found solace in poetry and writing...or well blogging became my way out...the funny fact was,no one understood what was happening to me,i never had nay friends to bother me and help me having cried my heart out and nothing else to do...i questioned why the hell was i so miserable and well that cleared me and i have a changed a lot...(for those who call me an old soul and other things,this is what changed me...i didn't have the option of seeing things like anyone else,because my environment made to change)..but i don't regret it..i infact understand this to be my life...and i try to help others who suffer from depression...

but sometimes the kamakazi thing comes back,and for a few hours i feel miserable again(this happens when there is some kind of reminder )..

Nirmal said...

ok from all this points i guess i m not depressed..
well i have some points to share i will do tat as soon as possible..

gud blog..

gP said...

goddamit! i think i have all the symptoms!

busy-writer said...

Solitaire, tis extremely sweet of you to offer to help. A very nice post, this is. Enlightening. Thank you! :)

Pavi!!!! said...

A very informative post Sol. Really gives soooooooooo much information! I'll have to come back to read the 1st part of it for a 2nd or mabbe even 3rd time..'coz i found it a li'l hard to comprehend it all in the 1st part.

But its really nice of u to have taken up this initiative...Pat on ur back! God Bless You!

Karthik S said...

I have alomost all the symptoms but they are not chronic.

Till date I was under the impression that being sad and depression are one and the same...
If somebody is always dull, sad and pessimistic....i tried my best to stay away from them. But, this post is really an eye opener.

Great post and u r doing great job.

Thank you very much.

Cheers :-)

g-man said...

ok, i have a couple of the thingies you mentioned on there...i'm depressed a lot, move around sluggishly, everything around me seems to move sluggishly, i want to not be around people and i'd prefer if everyone just ignored my existence. some weeks i get anywhere between 2 and 10 hours of sleep (the entire week) and some days i can sleep up to 7. i look like i'm anorexic, and yes yes yes to points 6, 7, 8 and 9. yes, it did start because of a relationship which ended sometime last november. i manage to get through the day by trying to blank myself out, which sometimes works. otherwise, i'm just left irritated and i go outside. so what do i do?

Anonymous said...

In younger people you are seeing depression take ahold a lot! Most of is also stems from break ups, weight gain and even skin color...

This is informative, I have not taken a really in depth class on of of these yet.. I am still getting in my Gen Eds, and taking lectures on all of this right now my mind keeps me intrigued with Bipolar disorder and OCD!! Glad I am here to learn more from you!!!


Rho Tau GWIS said...

Nice job Sneha!

humbl devil said...

i have most of the symptoms...
but, my personal opinion of's for cowards!!!

Satanic Angel said...

hey doc :D
no symptoms SO FAR..i really liked ur idea it shoes how passionate you are about ur job and it's really heartfelt this gesture..more power to you :)

aneri_masi said...

9 ke baad B kyu hai? Why is B to be ignored?

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

Sorry about your loss. I am glad this post helped in understanding some of his issues. Yes, people who are grieving also need help. Especially, if it ends up being long-term.

Solitaire said...

@ Broca,


Solitaire said...

@ Vishesh,

I wont say that I am sorry to hear that you were depressed because it seems like you have emerged out of it like a strong warrior after fightng your battles. I am glad you found your outlets but it was sad that no one was able to help you during dark times. Well now you are not alone. We are there for you (at least some genuine bloggers out here). Keep going!

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

Great! Let us know what you want to share.

Solitaire said...

@ Ghost,

Really? Is it persistent or off and on? Are you thinking of doing anything about it? Maybe we should talk more on the weekend. :)

Solitaire said...

@ Busy Writer,

It is my pleasure! I want to help when and where I can!

Solitaire said...

@ Pavi,

Thanks a lot!! It is people like you who appreciate and express that keep me going as opposed to those who pooh pooh mental health. The first part is quite technical but if you read what I wrote in brackets, it may clear up for you a little bit. Let me know if you have any questions.

Solitaire said...

@ Karthik,

What do you mean that they are not chronic? Once in a while? I guess that is normal for all of us, isn't it? Except for a few "lucky" ones who pretend that their life is perfect! But the truth is that we all have our ups and downs.

Solitaire said...

@ G-Man,

First of all, I appreciate you sharing this information. It must be really hard for you to go through this by yourself, especially being a male, who is expected to be strong and macho and all. It does seem like you are suffering from depression. I also read in Keshi's blog that you have not received much support from others? Is that true? What would you like to do? Open out?

Solitaire said...

@ Cinder,

Thanks for stopping by! Depression can happen to anyone at any age. Sadly some people feel like it can never happen to them and when it does, they do not realize it or are ashamed to acknowledge it. I hope that you enjoy learning about this more as you take more classes. I am so glad that there is another psychology major who can appreciate what mental health is all about.

Solitaire said...

@ Carolinagal,


Solitaire said...

@ Humble,

You do have those symptoms? What do you think about it after knowing that?

Solitaire said...

@ Elusive,

Thank you!! Yes, I love what I do. Its very reinforcing when the client comes up later and talks about how much I have helped them and changed their lives. Its the best feeling in the world as opposed to typing away on a computer and programming (that's me!!)

Solitaire said...

@ Aneri,

Cos 1 to 9 is part of A. And B is to be ignored because I don't have the patience to explain that.

Sam said...

downright informative... those who read this can make informative decisions!!
in case you are wondering abt me... am not too sur about it.. but i do suspect i have been through such period i wud say abt 2-3 in the past 6 years i believe... the most acute being in spring 2002!! i got out of it.. forced myself out of it... adn can say this.. if u realise you are in depression... u can really fight your way through... u just need to understand how to go about it!!!

btw, now don't u tell me you want to subject me to any case study!!!

humbl devil said...

am just trying to papers begin this 20th...
so have to get myself to focus!!!
let's see...

g-man said...

na, talking really doesn't mean anything. not any more. i do have friends, but nobody that i trust enough to tell them stuff. i've grown quite incapable of that. i just go and sit by myself and hope that people can't see me so i can get some time on my own :)

Nirmal said...

hey nothing serious......was a simple thought.....
but how can people suicide can they forget bout their family coz of some break up....

ceedy said...

you are doing a wonderful thing....hope it helps many..

and so is keshi....kudos to you two.

Neetal said...

Good work Sneha & Keshi! Thats very thoughtful of you two :) to be doing this.

Anonymous said...

Nopes.. I just feel insomnia..and that I have been feeling for as long as i can remebr.. i mean..i cant sleep and then after 4-5 days.. of impropers sleep then the body dozes off.... i dnt identify with any of the other symptoms...

Anonymous said...

I dnt identify with any symtiom other than insomnia.. i haldly sleep for like 1-2 hrs a day properly... and then...after 4-5 days..the body exahsts itself and i doze of ..but m in a daze still.... i dnt identify with anyother symptoms... inspite of n sleep and working out as per the same scedle as my military school table.. i stioll feel perky enough to go for a walk after dinner... and i have no lack of drive.. or enthusiasm..its just the occasional..bouts..when i sleep... that somethimes i really feel that .. killing is the only way out... i guess i need to explain this with my exact thoughts... but i dnt think i have the balls enuf to do it on this comment box

Keshi said...

Sol tnxx!

Sometimes I hv Insomnia. If I had an argument at home, I cant sleep. Like last nite!

I hv a sensitive system. I get easily shaken and sad. Are such ppl prone to depression more than normal ppl?

Yes...I hvnt quite gotten over Dan's death. Sometimes it gives me nightmares.


Occasional Brilliance said...

sneha, its really commndable that you are reaching out to people. i just wish that it had been this easy back when i was 10 and mum had just died. it was without doubt the worst period of my life and three attempts to kill myself led to medication for clinical depression and regular therapy. it hasnt been easy. i do have my days. but i've learnt to cope now i think.

Hiren said...

this is why i always always wanted to become a doctor (not sure if did be a psychologist though :) and yea m not depressed or sad abt not being one :))...

i don't think the satisfaction of saving someones life or bringing a +ve change in ones life can match any other satisfaction from any level of achievement in any other career.

you and keshi are doing great work ... I wish you ... all the luck to make as many lives better as you can ... All the best and GOD bless :)

Solitaire said...

@ Sam,

Don't you worry!! I have more than enough subjects for study. And even better ones..!!

I am so glad you were able to make your way through it. This may not be true for everyone. There are varying degrees and intensities of depression too and you may have had a milder form, a more acute form, or may have not had any history of this in the past. But there are many who get slammed real hard, even in the first time, that even with professional help, they are not able to move forward.

Kudos to your inner strength!

Solitaire said...

@ Humble,

Good luck! And come back soon!

Solitaire said...

@ G-man,

Were you always an introvert or have you isolated yourself? If its the second, then that concerns me. Do you have NO ONE that you can trust? In that case, a professional can help. For we are trained to be trustworthy.

Solitaire said...

@ Nirmal,

One thing to remember is that depression is not merely caused by negative thoughts but there is also a physiological component to it. That combination is deadly and people can get impulsive and hopeless.

tulipspeaks said...

i think i had couple of the symptoms few months back. now, i can tell you i'm free from them! i really feel hmm.. how do i say.. 'rainbow'! yes, i'm feeling rainbow. not sure if it makes any sense.


thanks for the invite hun!


humbl devil said...

btw, any quickfixes for this???
some of my dymptoms...
feels like a tight rubberband has been tied around my neck...
and then thrz this choked feeling all the time...

i get relief when i drink mouthfulls of really chilled water...
that's the only remedy as of now...

Sam said...

good to hear that and thanks!!
btw, you are yet to answer why you once said that i wud make for an interesting patient?

Keshi said...

aww Hiren u too..I mean all od you make a difference here in each others' lives.



Shruti said...

can we ever thank u enough for such an informative post? Wikipedia isn't so interesting. And yay! I'm not depressed :-)
Actually, its not urges for suicide that I have.. its for murder... :-|

broca's area said...

my neighbor is in depression from past few years..actually she is a phd scholar ...cause is still unknown..she isn't talking to anyone since then and her daughter[who just finished 12th] will be usually upset for her mother....ur post reminded me of her!..

Solitaire said...

@ G-man,

I urge you to talk to a professional, even if it is for one time, for some quick coping mechanisms that you could use in absence of social support. If you don't like it, you never have to go back again!

Solitaire said...

@ Brocasarea,

It is very sad when I read about so many people depressed, especially in India, who may not seek help and yet may never feel better. This may also cause some significant stress to their caretakers inducing depression in them as well.

Solitaire said...

@ Shruti,

You don't have to thank me!! The fact that people read, understand, and are aware is gratifying!

As for your homicidal tendencies...hmmmmmmmmm.....maybe will think of another diagnosis for you. ;)

Solitaire said...

@ Sam,

Did I really? when, where, how?

Solitaire said...

Humble Devil,

Yes!! You appear to be experiencing what we call a "panic attack". It is the result of too much anxiety which is suppressed within, and that comes out in the form of a panic attack. Different breathing exercises help in controlling this.

humbl devil said...

well, wasnt the neck...i was supposed to type "head"...dunno how i typed neck...heheh
and i dont feel calm and composed all the time...
and by choked i meant a lump in the throat feeling...most of the time it's fatigue coming from nowhere...
and i m someone with loads of stamina...atleast i used to have...hehe
mebbe it's because of the laidback lifestyl now...need to start working out again...

Rashmi said...

great post...i was goin thru all these symptoms some 2 years ago when i broke up...i used to cry and cry for hrs together, work suffered, no sleep for days at end,felt absolutely useless, and i just wanted to disappear somewhere, did not want people to notice me,was suicidal etc...but i did take professional help and am better now... soemtimes talking it out to a stranger helps a lot (atleast in my case). i needed the assurance from a nutral party to confirm what i was doing was right...there are still many times when i feel sad but im definitely not depressed... there are times when i think that maybe i mask myself/blank things out i may not have these symptoms... maybe..

personally i think that if people have someone whem they can speak to about thir troubles, the cases of depression wont be so high.